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Quy trình sản xuất vải ráp, giấy ráp

Two processes are involved in the production of coated abrasives: manufacture and finishing. The manufacturing process is a continuous operation that comprises the application of adhesives, their polymerization and the application of abrasive grains on the backing. This last operation is performed by one of two systems: one electrostatic and the other by gravity. In

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Chất liệu lớp đế của vải ráp, giấy ráp

These are the base materials supporting the abrasive grains. The types used are: Paper, Cloth, Vulcanized Fiber and Combination. PAPER The paper used in the manufacture of coated abrasives is durable, strong and ideal for light applications, both by hand and with sanding devices, since the surface of the paper provides better finishes. Three are

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Chất kết dính trong chế tạo vải ráp, giấy ráp

The bond is applied in two adhesive layers: the first bond has the function of fixing the abrasive grains to the backing and the second reinforces the position of the abrasive grain. The types of adhesive used are glues, Resins and Varnishes. GLUE BOND – Animal Hide Glue These are animal hide glues form organic

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Các định nghĩa liên quan mài mòn

Glossary Abrasive A substance used for abrading – grinding – polishing – lapping, such as the natural materials Emery, Garnet, Flint, and Crocus, and the manufactured or electric furnace materials Aluminum Oxide, Silicon Carbide, and Zirconia Alumina. One of the three essential components of a coated abrasive product (backing, adhesive, abrasive grain). Abrasive Machining Rough

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An toàn trong sử dụng vải giáp, giấy giáp

Khuyến cáo của Liên Đoàn các nhà sản xuất vật liệu mài châu Âu FEPA về an toàn trong sử dụng vải ráp, giấy ráp và các vật liệu mài tương tự The recommendations of this document are only a summary of the most important precautions. All users must strictly follow the safety instructions existing

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